5 Ways to Tell if an Egg is Fresh or Rotten

How often have you cracked an egg and wondered if it’s still good? Eggs can be tricky to judge since their opaque shell hides the condition of the white and yolk. But don’t worry—there are simple ways to tell if they’re fresh and how to keep them that way.

The Egg-Waste Problem

Did you know that 720 million eggs are wasted in the UK each year? A lot of it comes from people unsure if eggs are still fresh after their use-by date. But there are easy ways to check before tossing them.

1. Check the Expiration Date

Supermarket eggs have a use-by date, but if you get them from a farm, they’re typically good for up to 28 days from laying. Keep them in the fridge for up to 58 days if the shells are intact.

2. Smell Test

Fresh eggs don’t have much of a smell. If you notice a sour odor, it’s time to throw it out.

3. Visual Inspection

Look for cracks, dryness, or mold on the shell. If the egg white or yolk is discolored (blue, pink, black, or green), don’t eat it—it could mean bacterial growth.

4. Water Test

Place the egg in a bowl of water. Fresh eggs will sink. If it floats, it’s past its prime.

5. Candling Technique

In a dark room, shine a light through the egg to see the air pocket. The larger the air pocket, the older the egg.

By using these quick checks, you’ll avoid waste and know exactly when to toss an egg or use it in your next recipe!