Daily Joke: George goes for his annual check-up

Every year without fail, George made sure to schedule his annual check-up. He was proud of how fit and healthy he stayed by walking around the neighborhood—although, let’s be honest, age had taken a bit of a toll on his eyesight.

After his appointment, George sat down with his doctor, Dr. Stephens, to chat. With a grin, George proudly shared his latest “discovery.”

“Doc, I’m truly blessed,” he said. “God knows my eyesight is getting worse, so He turns on the light for me when I use the bathroom at night—and turns it off when I’m done!”

Dr. Stephens couldn’t help but chuckle, but his curiosity got the best of him. Later that day, he called George’s wife, Maria.

“Maria, your husband’s test results came back perfectly fine,” the doctor said. “But, uh, he said something a bit odd—he claims God turns the lights on and off for him when he uses the bathroom at night.”

Maria burst into laughter.

“That old fool! He’s been peeing in the refrigerator again! I thought it was the dog!”


Hope this gave you a good laugh! Now, here’s another one for you:

The Husband’s Hearing Test

A man visits his doctor, complaining that his wife can’t hear him.

“How bad is it?” the doctor asks.

“I have no idea,” the husband replies.

“Well, let’s test it. Stand 20 feet away from her and ask her something. If she doesn’t hear you, get closer and ask again. Keep moving closer until she hears you. This way we’ll have an idea of her hearing range.”

So, the husband heads home, where his wife is chopping vegetables for dinner in the kitchen.

From 20 feet away: “What’s for dinner?”

No answer.

From 10 feet: “What’s for dinner?”

Still no answer.

From 5 feet: “What’s for dinner?”


Finally, he stands right behind her and asks: “What’s for dinner?”

She turns around and says, “For the FOURTH time, BEEF STEW!”

Hope these jokes brought a smile to your face! Have a fantastic day! 😄