When I walked through the door, my husband greeted me with an excited smile and a sparkle in his eyes. “Darling, I’ve got a surprise for dinner tonight!” he exclaimed.
Before I could even ask what it was, he blindfolded me and gently led me to my seat at the table.
I sat down, ready for whatever surprise was coming, and just as he was about to take off the blindfold, the phone rang.
“Don’t touch the blindfold, promise me!” he said, rushing off to answer the call.
Now, the beans I’d had earlier were starting to make their presence known. The pressure was becoming too much to handle.
As soon as he was out of the room, I knew this was my moment. Shifting my weight, I discreetly let one rip.
It wasn’t just loud, it was epic—a smell that could rival a fertilizer truck running over a skunk in front of a garbage dump! Quickly, I grabbed my napkin and started fanning the air like my life depended on it.
But oh no, I wasn’t done yet. Shifting to the other leg, I let out three more. The stench? Think of cooked cabbage on steroids. I tried to be subtle, but the air was definitely not subtle.
For a few glorious minutes, I continued my stealthy mission, grinning with relief every time I got one out. I could almost hear the applause in my head.
Finally, the phone call ended. My husband returned, apologizing for taking so long. “Did you peek?” he asked. With a completely innocent smile, I assured him, “Not at all!”
He removed the blindfold, and to my surprise… there were twelve dinner guests around the table, all with their hands over their noses.
Guess I made quite the impression after all!