With your mom, you are still the “little ones”

To My Son

Children grow up, chase their dreams, and build lives of their own. But in a mother’s heart, they will always be her little ones—forever cherished, forever loved.

My Son,

My wish for you is simple…

Live a life that makes your heart full.

Laugh until your sides ache, cry when you need to, and never stop seeing the world with wonder. Work hard, but always make time for what makes you happy.

Play just as fiercely as you chase your goals. And when you close your eyes at night, may your dreams be so beautiful that you wake up smiling.

Above all, never forget—you are loved beyond measure.

I adore your smile.
I treasure your hugs.
I admire your heart.

But most of all… I love that you are my son.

Boys grow into men. Their toys may change, and their paths may lead them far from home. But in a mother’s heart, they will always be her little boy.