Every Sunday, little Tommy went to church with his grandma. One day, she told him it was time for his first confession.
“You go into that little booth, tell the priest your sins, and he’ll forgive you,” Grandma explained.
Tommy, a little nervous, stepped inside the confessional. The priest slid open the tiny window.
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned,” Tommy whispered.
The priest smiled. “Go ahead, my son. What have you done?”
Tommy took a deep breath. “Well… I stole a pencil… I said a bad word… and I lied to my mom.”
The priest nodded. “Not too bad. Anything else?”
Tommy thought for a second. “Oh yeah! I threw my sister’s Barbie out the window and told her it ran away.”
The priest chuckled. “Anything more?”
Tommy scratched his head. “Oh! And last night, I put toothpaste on Grandpa’s dentures while he was sleeping.”
The priest tried to keep a straight face. “Alright, my son. Say three Hail Marys and try to be a better boy.”
Feeling relieved, Tommy walked out of the booth.
Grandma smiled. “How did it go, sweetie?”
Tommy grinned. “Piece of cake, Grandma… but I don’t think that guy behind the screen knows HALF the stuff I’ve done!”
😂 Hope this gave you a good laugh! Have a great day!
The Funniest Christmas Letter Ever! 🎄😂

A little boy wanted a bicycle for Christmas.
His mom said, “We can’t afford one, but maybe if you write to Jesus and promise to be good, He’ll help you get one.”
So the boy started his letter.
“Dear Jesus, I promise to be good for one year…”
He paused. That’s too long. So he crossed it out.
“Dear Jesus, I promise to be good for one month.”
Still too much. He crossed it out again.
“Dear Jesus, I promise to be good for one week.”
Ugh. Forget it!
Frustrated, he went for a walk and passed a church. He saw the nativity scene outside.
Looking around to make sure no one was watching, he grabbed the statue of Mary, stuffed it under his coat, and ran home.
Then he sat down and wrote:
“Dear Jesus, if you ever want to see your mother again…”
A Kid’s Math Lesson at a Wedding 💍

A little boy was at his first wedding when his cousin asked,
“How many women can a man marry?”
Without hesitation, the boy said, “Sixteen!”
His cousin was stunned. “How do you know that?”
The boy grinned. “Easy! The priest said it: ‘Four better, four worse, four richer, four poorer!’”
😂 Smart kid! Hope this made you smile!