An old woman, Grandma Edna, went to the doctor for her annual checkup.

Grandma Edna went to her doctor for her annual checkup.

The doctor, trying to make small talk, asked, “How are you feeling, Mrs. Edna?”

“Oh, just fine, doctor! But I do have one little issue…” she said. “I seem to be passing gas a lot.

It’s nothing awful, though—they’re completely silent and don’t smell at all. In fact, I’ve probably let out about 10 just sitting here… but you’d never know!”

The doctor nodded, took some notes, and handed her a prescription.

“Take these pills twice a day and come back in a week.”

A week later, Edna stormed into the office, arms crossed. “Doctor! I don’t know what those pills did, but now my gas smells TERRIBLE!”

The doctor smirked. “Great! Now that we fixed your sense of smell, let’s work on your hearing.”

😂 Hope this gave you a laugh! Have a great day!

Grandma Wants Broccoli… and Won’t Take No for an Answer! 🥦

An elderly woman walked into a supermarket and started tossing frozen veggies onto the floor.

The manager rushed over. “Ma’am, can I help you?”

“Yes,” she said. “I’m looking for broccoli.”

The manager sighed. “Sorry, we’re out of stock.”

She left… but an hour later, she was back, once again tossing frozen veggies on the floor.

The manager, now frustrated, asked, “Can I help you?”

“Yes,” she repeated. “I’m looking for broccoli.”

He sighed. “Ma’am, we’re still out of broccoli.”

Then, 15 minutes before closing, she marched back in and headed straight to the frozen veggies.

Before she could start tossing, the manager stopped her.

“Okay, ma’am, can you spell ‘DOG’ in ‘Dogmore’?”

“Of course,” she said. “D-O-G.”

“Good. Now, can you spell ‘CAT’ in ‘Catsdelight’?”

“C-A-T,” she replied.

“Great. Now, can you spell ‘F’ in ‘Broccoli’?”

She paused. “There’s no F in broccoli.”

The manager grinned. “EXACTLY. And I’ve been trying to tell you that ALL DAY!”
