How Many Squares Do You See?

🧠 Can You Spot ALL the Squares? 90% of People Can’t! 🤯

At first glance, this image might look simple—but don’t be fooled!

Hidden within the picture are multiple squares, and most people completely miss the correct number.

Think you have what it takes? 🔍 Challenge yourself!

👀 Look closely and count carefully.
📏 Squares come in different sizes, so don’t overlook the bigger ones!
Try to solve it in under 30 seconds!

🔽 Scroll down for the answer ONLY when you’re ready! 🔽


🟦 The Correct Answer: There are 16 squares!

Here’s the breakdown:

9 small (1×1) squares
5 medium (2×2) squares
1 large (4×4) square
1 extra-large (4×4) square

🔢 Total: 16 squares!

Did you get it right? ✅
Or were you like most people who miss a few?

🔥 Share this puzzle with your friends and see if they can beat your count!