Three men find themselves at the pearly gates of heaven on Christmas Eve

Three guys find themselves at the gates of heaven on Christmas Eve. Saint Peter greets them with a serious look and throws down a challenge.

“To get into heaven tonight, show me something that represents Christmas.”

The first guy reaches into his pocket, pulls out a match, lights it, and says, “This is a Christmas candle!” He smiles, hoping it’s enough.

Saint Peter gives him a nod. “Impressive,” he says, waving him through.

The second guy shakes a set of keys in front of him. “These are Christmas bells!” he says with a grin.

Saint Peter shrugs and lets him pass.

Then, the third guy steps up, pulls out a pair of red panties. Saint Peter raises an eyebrow. “And what do these have to do with Christmas?”

The guy smirks, “They’re Carol’s.”

If that joke gave you a chuckle, here’s another one to keep the Christmas spirit rolling. It’s about a little boy, his wish for a bike, and a letter to Jesus that takes a wild turn.