The Scary “Truth” About The Virgin Mary Who “Cries Bloody Tears” Has Finally Been Revealed

A viral claim that a Virgin Mary statue “cried blood” has been debunked by DNA testing—revealing a shocking twist.

Back in 2016, Gisella Cardia purchased the statue in Medjugorje, Bosnia, and brought it home to Trevignano Romano, Italy.

Over time, she claimed the statue shed tears of blood and even communicated with her. These allegations attracted thousands of visitors—and donations.

But in 2023, prosecutors in Civitavecchia accused Cardia of fraud, suspecting the blood wasn’t miraculous at all. Initial tests found it came from a human woman. Now, further DNA analysis has uncovered an undeniable link—Cardia’s own DNA was found in the blood on the statue.

Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that laboratory tests confirmed her genetic material, raising serious doubts about her claims.

Still, her lawyer, Solange Marchignoli, insists this isn’t definitive proof of deception. She argues that more tests are needed to determine whether the DNA sample was mixed or single-profile. “If it’s only Cardia’s DNA, that would suggest she placed it there, which would mean a trial. But if it’s mixed, it could simply mean she kissed or handled the statue,” Marchignoli stated.

She further defended Cardia, saying “she is not crazy” and “has nothing to gain from this.”

However, the Diocese of Civita Castellana had already reached its own conclusion. After an investigation involving theologians, psychologists, and church officials, the diocese ruled in May 2024 that the so-called miracles were “non-supernatural.”

In other words—case closed.