Love those that really love you

“Don’t call the doctor,” she whispered. “I just want to fall asleep peacefully, with your hand in mine.”

He held her close and began to reminisce—their first meeting, their first kiss, the beautiful life they built together.

No tears. No regrets. Just gratitude.

As the moment grew quieter, she softly repeated, “I love you forever.”

He squeezed her hand, kissed her gently on the forehead, and whispered back, “Forever.”

Then, with his hand still in hers, she closed her eyes and drifted away—peaceful, loved, and never alone.

At the end of the day, love is all that truly matters.

We come into this world with nothing but love—and when we leave, it’s the only thing we take with us.

Careers, money, possessions? Just tools. Love is the only thing that lasts.

So love fiercely. Love deeply. Love like nothing else matters—because, in the end, nothing else does.

🙏 God bless you, my friends.