A woman is tested at the Gates of Heaven

A woman arrives at the Pearly Gates, where St. Peter greets her with a smile.

“These are the gates to Heaven,” he says, “but before you enter, you must do one simple thing.”

Excited, she asks, “What do I need to do?”

“Just spell any four-letter word,” St. Peter replies.

She confidently says, “L-O-V-E.”

“Great choice,” St. Peter nods. “You don’t have a dirty mind. Welcome in!”

Before stepping inside, he asks if she can watch the gates while he takes a break. She agrees, and a few minutes later, her husband arrives.

“What happened?!” she exclaims. “Why are you here?”

Her husband sighs. “After your funeral, I was so upset, I got into an accident. Did I make it to Heaven?”

“Not yet,” she replies. “You have to spell a word first.”

“What word?” he asks.

She smirks. “Czechoslovakia.”

🔥 An Email from the Afterlife

An Illinois man, eager to escape the freezing Chicago winter, heads to Florida ahead of his wife, who plans to meet him the next day. Upon arriving at his hotel, he fires off a quick email to her—but accidentally mistypes the address.

Unfortunately, the message lands in the inbox of an elderly woman whose husband had just passed away the day before.

When the grieving widow checks her email, she takes one look at the screen, lets out a blood-curdling scream, and faints on the spot.

Her panicked family rushes in and sees the message on her monitor:

“Dearest Wife,

Just checked in. Everything is ready for your arrival tomorrow.

P.S. Sure is hot down here.”


👧 Kid Logic at Its Finest

Kathryn’s 5-year-old had recently discovered the joy of spelling. It all started when she learned to spell STOP—and then she was off to the races.

From the back seat of the car, she’d suddenly ask, “Mom, what does FGRPL spell?”

“Nothing,” Kathryn replied.

Later at breakfast: “Mom, what does DOEB spell?”


This went on for weeks. Then, one afternoon, as they were coloring together, the little girl put down her crayon, sighed deeply, and said:

“Wow, Mom. There sure are a LOT of ways to spell ‘nothing’.”
