The clerk glanced over her paperwork and said, “Ma’am, I see here that you haven’t had a single traffic violation in 65 years! That’s truly impressive!”
Doris smiled proudly. “That’s right, young man! I’ve been driving since I was 20, and not once have I been pulled over, had an accident, or even gotten a parking ticket.”
The clerk, still amazed, responded, “Well, that’s an incredible record. But, considering your age, I have to ask—are you sure you still feel comfortable driving?”
Doris chuckled. “Of course I do! I drive every day. I take my friends to bingo, go to the grocery store, and I even drove myself here today! I may be 85, but I’ve got the reflexes of a cat and the vision of an eagle.”
The clerk nodded and handed her a vision test. “Alright, let’s check your eyesight then.”
Doris put on her thick glasses and peered into the vision machine. “Oh yes, I see it! There’s a big ‘E’ at the top, then an ‘F’ and a ‘P’…”
The clerk smiled, “Great! Now, can you read the second row?”
Doris squinted. “Hmm… I see a ‘Q’… or maybe it’s an ‘O’? Wait, no! It’s a bicycle!”
The clerk frowned. “Ma’am, there are only letters on the chart.”
Doris waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, I know! But at my age, I’ve learned to predict traffic signs. When I see an ‘O’ and a ‘P’ together, I know it’s time to stop! And a ‘Q’ usually means I need to slow down because I’m about to miss my turn.”
The clerk hesitated, but decided to press on. “Alright, let’s move on to the reaction time test. I’m going to tap the desk, and when I do, I’d like you to clap your hands as quickly as possible.”
Doris nodded eagerly.
The clerk tapped the desk.
Doris sat perfectly still.
The clerk tapped again.
Still nothing.
After 30 seconds, Doris finally clapped her hands together.
The clerk raised an eyebrow. “Uh… was there a delay?”
Doris laughed. “No, dear, I was just finishing my tea. You can’t rush a good Earl Grey.”
The clerk sighed. “Ma’am, I’m really not sure—”