Test your cognitive sharpness: If you can solve this puzzle in under 15 seconds, it’s a good sign you’re in the clear from age-related conditions like dementia or Alzheimer’s.
This brain teaser, over 100 years old, has only been solved by 20% of people within the time limit. Are you one of them?
Pro Tip: Find a quiet spot, eliminate distractions, and focus.
The Puzzle: The image shows a shepherd guiding his goat through a barren mountain. He looks sad, likely due to the lack of food for his goat. But there’s a second person hidden in the picture. Can you find them?
Hint: The second figure is a silhouette or profile, drawn differently.
Ready? Scroll down for the answer.
Answer: Rotate the image 180 degrees to spot the second person.
Share your results: Did you find the hidden figure? How fast did you solve it?