Three men find themselves at the pearly gates of heaven on Christmas Eve

A little boy wanted a bicycle for Christmas.

A little boy really wanted a bicycle for Christmas. His mom told him they didn’t have enough money for a new one, but maybe if he promised to be good, Jesus might bring him one.

So the boy sits down to write a letter. “Dear Jesus, I promise to be good for one whole year…” But he crossed it out and wrote, “I promise to be good for a month.” Still not satisfied, he changed it to, “I promise to be good for a week.”

Frustrated, he crumpled the paper, grabbed his coat, and went for a walk.

As he passed the church, he saw a nativity scene. When no one was looking, he swiped the figure of Mary, tucked it under his coat, and ran home.

He then sat down to write a new letter: “Dear Jesus, if you ever want to see your mother again…”

Christmas humor with a twist!