Caution: What Should You Do?
So, what should you do if you think something’s fishy with your car door? First off, stay calm. Panicking won’t help a bit. Instead, follow these steps to outsmart the car thief.
- Check the Passenger Car Door Handle: If your key won’t turn, take a look at the passenger side door handle. See if there are any foreign objects, like that sneaky penny, that might be jamming the mechanism.
- Stay Alert: Keep an eye on your surroundings. If something doesn’t feel right, trust your gut. If you’re not comfortable, you can always ask for help or call someone to meet you at your car.
- Avoid Returning to the Car: If you can’t get your door open, don’t go back to the car right away. Instead, find a well – lit, busy area and call for help. Car thieves are more likely to strike when you’re alone or not paying attention.
- Contact the Authorities: If you find signs of someone tampering with your car or think someone’s trying to steal it, call the police right away. They can handle the situation and keep you safe.
- Consider an Anti – Theft System: To stop car thieves from even trying in the first place, get an anti – theft system or a steering wheel lock. These extra security measures can make your car less of a target for would – be thieves.