My mother-in-law took back the bicycle she gave to my daughter for her birthday. It’s a crazy story. A grown woman actually stole from her own granddaughter. What really got to me wasn’t just the act itself; it was the stupid reason behind it. Even now, just thinking about it makes me so angry.
The morning of Jean’s sixth birthday was amazing. The sunshine came through our kitchen windows as I put pink-frosted cupcakes on a plate…
“Mom! Look what Grandma brought me!” Jean’s voice filled the house, and you could hear the pure joy in every word.
I went out to the porch and saw my mother-in-law, Jacqueline, standing beside the most beautiful bicycle I’d ever seen. It was all pink with streamers on the handlebars, a white basket with plastic daisies in front, and a silver bell that chimed when Jean pressed it.
“Do you like it?” Jacqueline asked, smiling wide as she smoothed her fancy blouse.
Jean jumped up and down, her golden curls bouncing. “It’s the best present ever!”
I was a bit surprised. In the seven years I’d known Jacqueline, she’d never been this generous with us.
Our relationship was always a bit tense. Polite smiles covered up the hidden criticism. That’s how our bond was.
“That’s really nice of you, Jacqueline,” I said as I watched Jean ride around the driveway on her new bike.