She said, “You know, dear. Since this is truly Daniel’s home, I was wondering if you could let me have a say in how things are arranged. Just a few things, like moving the living room furniture or redecorating the guest bedroom.”
I couldn’t believe it. It was as if she wanted me to step aside so she could transform this house, my house, into what she desired for her son. As if I were merely a tenant.
I responded politely yet firmly. I said, “I appreciate your input, but Daniel and I make those decisions together. This is our home, and we’ve done an excellent job making it comfortable for us.”
She made a noncommittal sound and changed the subject, but I could see in her eyes that she wasn’t done. The rest of dinner was incredibly tense. I had to maintain a polite smile on my face while Daniel and his mother chatted away, oblivious to the silent conflict happening right under their noses.
Later that night, after she left, I discussed it with Daniel. He listened and concurred that what she said was wrong. But as always, he told me to be patient. He said his mother had her own ways and didn’t always mean to be malicious.
But how many times could I overlook her comments before realizing they weren’t accidental? And how long could I keep pretending her words didn’t hurt me?
The worst part was, it didn’t end there. Her requests became increasingly absurd over the next few weeks. She asked for keys to the house because “family shouldn’t need permission to visit.” She also stated that I should leave the cooking to her during family gatherings because Daniel preferred things the way she made them.
The anger within me was intensifying. I loved Daniel, but I was beginning to question if loving him meant sacrificing my own happiness and sense of ownership in our shared life. And I realized that if I didn’t take action, his mother would never stop testing my boundaries.
But the question was, how far was I willing to go to reclaim my home?
The final straw came one Sunday afternoon. Daniel and I were snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. His phone rang, and he looked at the screen with a frown.
“It’s Mom,” he said and got up to answer.
I sighed and tensed up. I really dreaded her calls.
“Hey, Mom,” he said cheerfully. “What’s up?”
He fell silent as she spoke. His eyebrows knitted together, and his lips parted in surprise. Finally, he let out a confused laugh. “Wait, what?”
He put the phone on speaker without warning, and I heard her sharp and insistent voice. She said, “I’ve been thinking. Since this is Daniel’s house, and I’m his mother, I should be able to move in with you two. I’m getting tired of living alone in my big house, and it makes sense for me to be here where I can take care of my son properly.”