Gen-Z does not like ‘passive aggressive’ thumbs up emoji

Generations always seem to have their quirks, but Gen-Z? They’re really keeping us on our toes. And while we might not get everything about their mindset, understanding some of it can help us stay in the loop.

Here’s something that might surprise you: the thumbs-up emoji—you know, that little symbol we use to show agreement or acknowledgment? For Gen-Z, it’s not just a simple gesture; it could actually be seen as rude or even passive-aggressive. 😳

A Gen-Z worker recently shared their experience using Microsoft Teams at their “adult” job: “Everyone uses the thumbs-up emoji all the time, but I can’t help but feel it’s a bit unsettling. I prefer ‘hearting’ messages or just replying with something more personal like ‘Thanks!’ or ‘Great!’”

They went on to ask, “Does anyone else feel the same way? Am I the only one who finds it…triggering?”

And they weren’t alone. One commenter, 24, shared: “For us, the thumbs-up emoji feels passive-aggressive.” Another pointed out, “It’s just so impersonal. I bet you’d rather have a more genuine response, right?”

So, here’s the deal: what we might see as a friendly, straightforward response could be interpreted totally differently by younger folks. As emojis evolve, so does their meaning. Do you agree with Gen-Z’s take on the thumbs-up? Drop your thoughts in the comments below and share this with others to spark a conversation! 🙌