Spot 8 Slices of Birthday Cake and a Cupcake.

It’s Jake’s birthday party, but something’s missing… the cake! 🎈🎁

Somewhere in this picture, 8 slices of birthday cake 🍰 and 1 cupcake 🧁 are hidden.

👀 Can you find them all in less than 20 seconds?

Set a timer and go!

Still searching? No worries—take another look before scrolling down.


🕵️ Ready for the answer? Keep scrolling to see where they’re hiding!

Did you find them all? Let us know in the comments! 🎉🎂

At first glance, this picture looks like a jumble of objects—but hidden somewhere in the image is an alarm clock!

Think you have sharp eyes?

Your challenge: Find the alarm clock in less than 10 seconds!

🔍 Stay focused!

Most people struggle to spot it right away. Can you beat the odds?

Still searching? Don’t worry—the answer is below!

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