The son was ashamed of his mother, a cleaner, in front of the bride’s family, but at his wedding, she caused a sensation.

Marina’s heart hurt. Her own son was ashamed of her. He was willing to show up at his wedding without his mother, like an orphan.

“Why would I look out of place?” Marina asked. “I’m going to a good hairdresser. I’ll get my nails done. I have a nice dress to wear.”

“Nice dress? That old blue one?” Ilya snapped, and started pacing again. “Look, Mom. If you don’t get it, I’ll be straight with you. I don’t want you at the wedding. I’m… I’m ashamed that my mom’s a cleaner. I don’t want you to make me look bad in front of Vika’s relatives. Got it?”

Marina was shocked. She couldn’t say a word. Ilya picked up his backpack, showed off his suit, and headed for the door.

At the threshold, he stopped. “I’m telling you again, don’t come to the ceremony. No one there will be happy to see you.”

Ilya had left hours ago. It was getting dark outside, and Marina was still sitting on the couch, stunned. She was too shocked to cry at first. Later, when she turned on the light and took an old photo album from the dresser, the tears finally came.

The album held her whole life, plain and simple. Memories hit her hard, making it hard to breathe.

There was an old, worn – out photo of her as a two – year – old. She had blue eyes and was wearing a colorful, clearly second – hand dress. Next to her was a thin, strange woman with a blank look and a silly smile.

Even in the bad photo, it was clear the woman was not all there. Marina was two – and – a – half when her mother lost custody and disappeared from her life for good. As she grew up, Marina never tried to find her. Why bother?