Doctor Raises Triplets after Mother Dies in Labor, After 5 Years Their Bio Dad Appears

Doctor Spell man adopted and raised his sister’s triplets after she passed away during childbirth. But five years later, his life was turned upside down when the triplets’ bio father showed up to reclaim the children.

“Breathe, breathe. It’s all going to be okay,” Thomas gently told his sister, marching alongside her while she was being carried to the operation room on a gurney.

Leah’s sweaty brows furrowed as she tried to take a deep breath. “You’re. You’re the best older brother I could ask God for, Thomas,” she whispered as they entered the OR.

Leah had gone into labor at only 36 weeks of pregnancy, and the doctors had suggested performing a C – section. But soon after delivering the first baby, Leah’s pulse began dropping, and her condition worsened.

“Leah, please stay with me! Nurse, what’s happening? Look at me, Leah! Look at me,” Thomas cried, his palms wrapped around his sister’s hand.

“Doctor Spellman, you need to leave, please,” Dr. Nichols said, escorting him outside. Then the doors of the OR were slammed shut.