A new lumberjack

The Skinny Lumberjack and the Giant Redwood

A large, well-known lumber camp posted an ad for a skilled lumberjack, and the very next day, a scrawny little man showed up at the camp, axe in hand, ready to prove himself. He knocked on the door of the head lumberjack.

The seasoned lumberjack took one look at the tiny man and shook his head, telling him to leave.

“Just give me a chance to show you what I can do,” the little man insisted.

The lumberjack, skeptical but curious, pointed to a massive redwood nearby. “See that giant tree over there? Go ahead and take your axe and cut it down.”

With determination, the little man marched over to the tree, and within just five minutes, he was back at the lumberjack’s door.

“I cut the tree down,” he said confidently.

The lumberjack’s jaw dropped. “How on earth did you do that so quickly?”

The little man shrugged and replied, “In the Sahara Forest.”

The lumberjack, now even more confused, corrected him, “You mean the Sahara Desert?”

The little man grinned and replied, “Yeah, well, that’s what they call it now!”

The Pawn Shop Guitar Trick

An elderly man walks into a pawn shop, holding a guitar that’s clearly seen better days. He approaches the counter and asks the pawn broker, “I’d like your expert opinion on this guitar. How much do you think it’s worth?”

The broker inspects the guitar carefully, noting the warping on the neck, the faded lacquer, and the obvious scratches and dents. After a moment, he says, “It’s a pretty old, well-used guitar. I’d say it’s worth about twenty bucks.”

The old man extends his hand with a smile. “Okay, if that’s what you think it’s worth, then I’ll take it!”

“Great!” says the broker, shaking the man’s hand.

The old man pulls out a twenty-dollar bill and hands it over. “I’ll buy it right now.”

The broker pauses, looking confused. “Wait… buy? You want to buy it for twenty bucks?”

The old man smiles, flips the guitar over to reveal the $150 sticker price, and says, “Well, now that I have your honest opinion, twenty bucks seems like a great deal!”

These hilarious twists on expectations show how humor can come from the unexpected, whether it’s a scrawny lumberjack who takes on a redwood or a savvy old man pulling a fast one at a pawn shop. Sometimes, the best jokes are the ones with the cleverest punchlines!