Suprising Gift from Son

An elderly couple lived alone in their quiet home, their days filled with memories of the life they built together. One afternoon, the doorbell rang. The old man shuffled to the door and found a postman holding an envelope and a postcard.

He took the envelope, and his heart sank. Bold letters on the front read: “OLD AGE HOME.”

With a heavy sigh, he called out to his wife. “Come here, dear. Our son has sent us a wonderful gift.”

His wife hurried over, excitement in her voice. “What is it? Am I going to be a grandmother?”

The old man shook his head. “No…”

Confused, his wife took the envelope. As soon as her eyes landed on the words “Old Age Home,” she stumbled into a chair, clutching it for support.

Tears welled up. “We sacrificed everything for him. We gave up our dreams, our needs—so he could have the best education, the best life. And now… he’s sending us away?”

The weight of the envelope felt like salt in an open wound.

A few moments later, the doorbell rang again. Their neighbor stepped in. “Why haven’t you answered your phone? Your son just called—he’s worried about you. What’s going on?”

The old man gestured toward the envelope on the table. “See for yourself.”

The neighbor picked up the postcard and read it aloud:

“I’m sending two tickets and an address. Please come soon—we’ve finalized the sale of your house.”

The elderly couple broke down in tears. Even the neighbor looked heartbroken. “Your son was never like this… How could he?”

Trying to comfort them, he said, “You’re welcome to stay with me. My house is yours.”

Then, out of curiosity, he peeked inside the envelope—and froze. Inside were photographs of a beautiful villa. His eyes scanned the images until one caught his attention: a house with a nameplate that read “Happy Villa.”

Suddenly, he burst into laughter.

The old man frowned. “Are you laughing at our misery?”

The neighbor shook his head, still chuckling. “No… I’m laughing at your son’s joke. He’s always been mischievous.”

He handed them the final picture. Below the villa’s nameplate, a note was written:

“Mom, Dad—will you let your son and daughter-in-law live with you in your Old Age Home?”

Tears of sorrow turned to tears of joy. The old man and his wife clutched the letter, overwhelmed with love.

Their son wasn’t abandoning them—he was bringing them home.