Can you spot these hidden objects?
Necklace, seashell, snorkel, flipper, dolphin, island, starfish, sailboat.

But here’s the twist—you only have 30 seconds to find them all! ⏳
Ready? Your time starts… NOW!
30… 20… 10…
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Time’s up!
Did you manage to find all eight? If so, give yourself a pat on the back—you’ve got an eagle eye! 🦅✨
If not, no worries—this puzzle is trickier than it looks.
Check out the answer key below to see what you missed! 👀🔍

At first glance, this image shows a bird holding a piece of cheese.
But here’s the twist: there’s a hidden fox somewhere in the image. 🧐

Challenge: Can you find the hidden fox within 20 seconds?
Tick-tock! Have you found it?
If yes, congratulations! 🎉
If not, don’t worry! The answer is just a scroll away.
👇 Answer: Flip the image upside down, and there it is—the fox! Now take another look and see if you can spot it yourself!