A man goes to the doctor and complains that his wife can’t hear him

A man goes to the doctor, complaining that his wife can’t hear him.

“How bad is it?” the doctor asks.

“I’m not sure,” the man replies.

The doctor suggests, “Okay, let’s test her hearing. Stand 20 feet away and ask her something. If she doesn’t hear you, get closer and repeat the question until she does. That way, we’ll know how bad her hearing is.”

The man goes home, finds his wife chopping vegetables in the kitchen, and decides to give it a try.

From 20 feet away, he asks, “What’s for dinner?”

No answer.

He moves closer—10 feet away: “What’s for dinner?”

Still no answer.

5 feet away: “What’s for dinner?”

Still nothing.

Finally, he’s right behind her and asks, “What’s for dinner?”

She turns around and says, “For the FOURTH time, BEEF STEW!”

Looks like the real issue here isn’t her hearing! 😄