Billy Bob tried to sell his old truck.

Billy Bob’s “Genius” Truck-Selling Plan

Billy Bob was desperate to sell his old truck. Problem was, that rust bucket had 250,000 miles on it, and nobody wanted to touch it.

One day at work, he vented to his buddy at Walmart.

His friend leaned in and said, “Well… there’s a way to fix that. But it ain’t exactly legal.”

Billy Bob didn’t even blink. “Who cares? I just need to sell the dang thing.”

His buddy scribbled down an address. “Go see my guy at this repair shop. He’ll roll the odometer back to 50,000 miles—problem solved.”

Billy Bob wasted no time. That weekend, he drove straight to the mechanic.

Two weeks later, his buddy asked, “So? Did you finally sell that truck?”

Billy Bob grinned. “Sell it? Why would I sell it? It only has 50,000 miles on it now!


Hope that gave you a laugh—have a great day!

The Blonde and the Trucker

A trucker stops at a red light when a blonde in a little car pulls up beside him.

She rolls down her window, knocks on his door, and says, “Hi! My name’s Heather, and you’re losing some of your load!”

The trucker nods, ignores her, and drives off when the light turns green.

At the next red light, she pulls up again. “Hi! My name’s Heather, and you’re losing some of your load!”

Again, he ignores her.

This happens at the next red light too. By now, the trucker is getting frustrated.

At the fourth red light, the blonde knocks again. “Hi! My name’s Heather, and—”

The trucker finally rolls down his window and says, “Hi, my name’s Kevin. It’s snowing. I’m driving a salt truck.”


Stay safe out there, Heather!