The teacher asked little Johnny a question…

Teacher: “Johnny, if I gave you two cats, then another two, and another two, how many would you have?”

Johnny: “Seven!

Teacher: “No, listen carefully. 2 + 2 + 2 equals…?”

Johnny: “Seven!

The teacher sighs, rubbing her temples.

Teacher: “Let’s try it this way. If I gave you two apples, then another two, and another two, how many would you have?”

Johnny: “Six.

Teacher: “Great! Now, if I gave you two cats, then another two, and another two, how many?”

Johnny: “Seven!

Teacher: “Johnny, for the last time—where are you getting SEVEN from?!”

Johnny: “Because I already have a freaking cat!”

🤣 LOL! Hope this made you smile! Have a great day!

📚 Little Johnny Spells ‘Elephant’

Teacher: “Johnny, spell elephant.”

Johnny: “E-L-E-F-A-N-T.

Teacher: “That’s incorrect.”

Johnny: “Maybe to you, but you asked how I spell it.”

Touché, Johnny. Touché. 🤣

🏆 Friday Challenge

Every Friday, the teacher asks one final question. Get it right? No school on Monday!

Little Johnny was determined to win.

So, he painted two marbles black and rolled them to the teacher’s feet.

Suddenly, the teacher gasped and yelled, “Who’s the comedian with the black balls?!”

Johnny jumped up and shouted, “Bill Cosby! See ya Tuesday, suckas!”

😂😂😂 Johnny wins again!