“Good afternoon,” she said calmly, sitting down. “Are you here for an interview?”
Igor nodded, still looking really surprised.
“I… I didn’t know this was your company. The ad just said ‘ASdesign’.”
“My initials,” Anna said, smiling. “Anna Sokolova. So, are you interested in the project manager job?”
“Yeah,” he replied, slowly getting his confidence back. “I have a lot of experience managing teams…”
“Tell me about your last job,” she said, opening the folder with his resume.
It turned out his business had fallen apart completely. His partner had tricked him and taken the money, the clients had left, and the debts just kept getting bigger.
For the past year, he had been moving from one job to another, not really knowing what he was doing.
“Why our company specifically?” Anna asked, taking notes in her notebook.
Igor hesitated, choosing his words carefully.
“To be honest, I’m tired of living out of a suitcase,” he finally said. “I’ve heard a lot about your studio. ‘ASdesign’ is well – known. You guys do really high – quality projects, not just for show. Your team is made up of real pros. I’d love to be part of this group.”
Anna looked at him closely. Something about him had changed. All the old arrogance was gone. Sitting in front of her was a man with a tired look in his eyes, like life had taken all his energy.
“What’s your level of design knowledge?” she asked calmly.
“To be honest, it’s not much,” he said, with a little crooked smile. “But I learn fast. I soak up everything like a sponge. And also…”