An old woman, Grandma Edna, went to the doctor for her annual checkup.

The Old Lady and the Bus Ride 🚍

An elderly woman with a walker got onto a crowded bus.

Every seat was taken, and people were packed like sardines.

She walked over and stared directly at one passenger.

For five minutes, she just stood there, locking eyes with him.

Finally, the passenger sighed. “May I help you, ma’am?”

“Yes,” she said firmly. “I’ve been waiting for five minutes, and you haven’t offered me your seat.”

He raised an eyebrow. “And why should I?”

She snapped, “I can give you FIVE reasons! I’m 86 years old, I have paralysis in my left leg, my hip has been replaced twice, my husband died three days ago, and every second I stand is pure agony. Now, can YOU give me as many reasons why YOU deserve the seat?”

The man sighed. “Just one, ma’am… I’m the freaking DRIVER.”

😂 Hope this made you smile! Have a fantastic day!