The cost of Mother’s love is $0.00

A Heartfelt Lesson: The True Cost of a Mother’s Love

A teenage son, angry after a disagreement with his mom, scribbled down a list of all the chores he had done and handed it to her with a smirk, expecting something in return.

The list was long, detailing everything from mowing the lawn to babysitting his younger brother. He had even added charges for helping her out with errands and getting good grades.

As he handed the paper to his mom, he felt proud, thinking he was owed something for all his hard work.

But what happened next changed everything.

After washing her hands, his mom sat down, and with a heavy heart, she turned over the paper and wrote her own list.

She began with the things no one could ever put a price on—her sacrifices as a mother, the love and dedication she had poured into raising him.

For carrying you for nine months in my womb? No charge.
For the tears shed through the years, and sleepless nights worrying about you? No charge.
For the times I canceled dinner plans to buy you the latest video game? No charge.
For the sacrifices, like working double shifts to provide for you, and worrying whether I could pay the bills? No charge.

The list went on, detailing every moment she had given her love, patience, and time without asking for anything in return. She looked up at him and simply said, “Son, the cost of my love is $0.00.”