Find It Picture: A Family History Day

At first glance, this picture looks like a jumble of random shapes—but don’t be fooled! Hidden within are 11 sneaky objects just waiting to be found:

🎈 Kite
🧹 Dustpan
✉️ Envelope
🕯️ Candle
🚩 Flag
🍕 Triangle Slice
🧦 Sock
🏌️ Golf Club
🍃 Leaf
🏏 Baseball Bat
🌀 Boomerang

Think you have sharp eyes? Try to find them all in under 30 seconds!

Ready? Set? Go! 👀

How Long Did It Take You?

If you found them all—congrats! 🏆 If not, don’t worry, you’re not alone. This one stumped my entire family!

Still struggling?

We’ve got the solution below… but no peeking until you’ve given it your best shot! 😉