The Mexican border on a bicycle

Miguel rides up to the Mexican border on his bicycle. He’s got two big sacks slung over his shoulders. The border guard halts him and asks, “What’s in those sacks?”

Miguel rides up to the Mexican border on his bicycle. He’s got two big sacks slung over his shoulders. The border guard halts him and asks, “What’s in those sacks?”

“Sand,” Miguel replies.

The guard says, “We’ll check that right away – get off the bike!”

The guard seizes the sacks and tears them open. He dumps out their contents and finds nothing but sand.

He holds Miguel overnight and has the sand tested, only to confirm that it’s just plain sand.

The guard sets Miguel free, repacks the sand into new sacks, hoists them onto the man’s shoulders, and allows him to cross the border.

The next day, the same thing occurs. The guard questions, “What do you have there?”

“Sand,” Miguel answers.

The guard conducts a meticulous inspection and once again discovers that the sacks are filled with nothing but sand. He returns the sand to Miguel, and Miguel rides across the border on his bike.

This cycle repeats day after day for an entire year.

Finally, one day Miguel doesn’t show up. The guard runs into him at a cantina in Mexico.

“Hey, pal,” the guard says, “I know you’re smuggling something. It’s driving me nuts. It’s all I can think about… I can’t sleep. Just between us, what are you smuggling?”

Miguel takes a sip of his beer and says, “Bicycles.”