A little 4-year-old boy was sitting on the toilet… and he’d been in there way too long.
His mom, getting worried, walked in to check on him.
There he was—reading a comic book. But every 10 seconds, he’d put the book down, grip the toilet seat with one hand, and smack himself on the head with the other.
“Billy, are you okay?” his mom asked.
“I’m fine, Mommy… I just haven’t gone yet.”
Confused, she said, “Alright, but why are you hitting yourself on the head?”
Billy looked up and said, “It works on the ketchup bottle!” 🍅😂
🤣 Hope this made you laugh! Have a great day!

💊 Psychiatrist Gives a Mom Advice—Her Response Is Priceless!
A mom with a troublemaking son went to a psychiatrist for help.
Psychiatrist: “You’re way too stressed about your son. I suggest taking tranquilizers regularly.”
A few weeks later, she came back.
Psychiatrist: “Have the tranquilizers helped?”
Mom: “Oh, absolutely! I feel so much calmer.”
Psychiatrist: “Great! And how’s your son doing?”
Mom: “Who cares?” 😂
📱 Wife Catches Husband Cheating… Or Does She?
A woman tried calling her husband at work but ran out of phone credit.
She handed the phone to their son. “Call your dad and give him an urgent message.”
A few minutes later, the boy came back looking confused. “Mom, a lady answered Dad’s phone all three times I called!”
😡 Furious, she waited for her husband to come home. The moment he walked through the door—SLAP! 👋💥
Before he could speak—SLAP! 👋💥
The neighbors gathered, watching the chaos.
Her husband, still in shock, turned to their son. “Tell them exactly what the lady on the phone said.”
The boy cleared his throat.
“The number you are trying to reach is not available at the moment. Please try again later.” 🤣
🥓 Kid Learns a Hard Lesson About Kicking Animals!
A boy asked his mom for breakfast.
Mom: “Not until you feed the animals.”
So, the boy walked outside.
He looked at the chicken. “I don’t feel like feeding you.” Then—he kicked it!
Next, he walked up to the cow. KICK!
Finally, he saw the pig. KICK!
When he came back inside, his mom folded her arms. “I saw that! No eggs, no milk, and no bacon for you today.”
Just then, his dad walked down the stairs, tripped, and accidentally kicked the cat.
The boy turned to his mom with a smirk. “Mom… should I tell him?” 😂
😂 Hope these jokes made you laugh! Have a great day!